
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Big Thank You to Christine!

I'm starting on my blog officially on January 1, 2012 where I will be sharing what I want in January 2012. But, I had to write this review.

I have an author friend named Christine E. Schulze, who is nice and awesome. She's sent me almost all her books I think! Her novels are fantasy & they're epic and I love them! I just got a package from her today with her series The Legends of Surprisers inside of it. I'm currently reading the first book, and so far, it's great!

I think you should check her books out! Before I go any further, let me say that she didn't ask me to write this about her. But anyways, her novels are AWESOME. Like I said before, they're fantasy/high fantasy and I can't get enough of them. Her writing style is just... wow. I love it.

Click on the links to see my review of her books on Goodreads!:
Golden Healer, Dark Enchantress
Silent Hero
Lily in the Snow and Other Elemental Tales
Tears of a Vampire Prince
The Hero of 1,000 Years
Heroes Reunited
Heroes of the Dove
The Secret Sister and The Silver Knight
The Princess of Destiny and the Princess of the Night
The Prism of Ashlei

So yeah. I've read a bunch of her novels. And I love every single one of them!

Go check her out on Goodreads! Again, she's super nice and I think that you will love her novels!

Thanks again Christine for all the books!!! :-)

See you all on January 1!

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